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Daily Active Accounts

Daily Active Accounts measures the number of unique accounts with at least one user who has interacted with an application or platform in a day. An active account may include one or more users, who may each have varying degrees of activity.

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Daily Active Users

Daily Active Users are the number of unique users of an application or platform that have interacted with it in a day. This metric is used to track daily user engagement. Daily Active Users includes both new users and existing users who have interacted with the application.

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Debt to Equity Ratio

The Debt to Equity Ratio measures how your organization is funding its growth and how effectively you are using shareholder investments. A high Debt to Equity Ratio is evidence of an organization that’s fuelling growth by accumulating debt. This is a common practice, as outside investment can greatly increase your ability to generate profits and accelerate business growth. Reaching too far, however, can backfire and leave the company bankrupt. As such, a high Debt to Equity Ratio is often interpreted as a sign of risk.

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Deviation from Target Churn Rate

Deviation from Target Churn measures how close or far away you are from hitting your ideal target churn rate in a specific time period. It is calculated by finding the difference between the forecasted churn rate and the target churn rate.

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Disputed Charges

Disputed Charges measures the total value of charges that have been challenged and may be reversed. This metric represents the amount of money that could potentially be deduced from your net charges.

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Disputed Charges Count

Changes Count measures the total number of Charges you have made to your customers. Use this metric to have an overall view of how many payments you have accepted from your customers for the products or services you sold.

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Domain Authority

Domain Authority is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). DA is not an authority metric used by Google in determining search rankings but, instead, a third-party tool used for benchmarking and competitive link analysis. It is also a relative measure, meaning that it is most useful when comparing one domain's authority to another rather than as an absolute score of a website's traffic and performance.

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EBITDA Margin is a financial ratio that measures a company's earnings before deducting non-operating expenses as a percentage of revenue. The calculation excludes accounting expenses such as interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization to give an overall view of profitability.

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Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is one of a few profit metrics. At its simplest, EBITDA focuses only on operational profitability, ignoring non-cash expenses by adding them back to Net Income.

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Email Bounce Rate

Email Bounce Rate is the percentage of emails that have not successfully reached recipients. An email bounce occurs when a sender receives a Non-Delivery Report (NDR) for an email. The number of email bounces divided by the total number of emails sent gives the Email Bounce Rate.

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Email Click Rate

Email Click Rate is the number of unique recipients who clicked on any link in your email, represented as a percentage of successfully delivered emails. This metric is a good indicator of how click-worthy your subject lines are, and can also be used to gauge email deliverability.

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Email Clicks

Email Clicks is an email marketing metric that counts the total number of times any link in your email was clicked by your email recipients. Email Clicks data is used to calculate many other important email marketing metrics such as Email Click Rate and CTOR.

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