The flexibility you want, the data you need.

Build a LinkedIn dashboard with Klipfolio

LinkedIn Dashboard

Custom LinkedIn dashboards

Create LinkedIn dashboards to track your social media marketing KPIs and metrics. Develop custom dashboards using LinkedIn's API or use pre-built metrics and dashboards to get value fast. Combine your LinkedIn data with services like Facebook, Google Analytics, Twitter, and more to build dashboards.

LinkedIn Custom Dashboard - Logo

Custom LinkedIn data sources

Create sophisticated LinkedIn dashboards by querying your data using the Klipfolio data connector. Use a pre-built query or craft your own.

LinkedIn Custom Dashboard - TV icon

Beautiful TV dashboards

Share your LinkedIn dashboards on TVs throughout your office and give your team visibility into your social media marketing efforts.

LinkedIn TV Dashboard
LinkedIn Custom Dashboard - Data visualizations

Create custom visualizations

Use the Klip Editor to design and build custom visualizations using your LinkedIn data.

Use a pre-built LinkedIn dashboard

Instantly track social media data by using a pre-built LinkedIn dashboard. These have been built to surface social KPIs like engagement, page trends, conversions, and more.

Use pre-built LinkedIn metrics

Assemble a LinkedIn dashboard by selecting pre-built metrics from the Klip Gallery.

Klip Template | LinkedIn - Clicks


Make sure your LinkedIn content continues to attract attention by comparing last month's page clicks with the previous month.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Clicks and Likes (12 Months)

Clicks and Likes (12 Months)

See how your LinkedIn clicks and likes trend over time.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Comments


Keep your LinkedIn followers talking! Monitor your total comments last month and compare it to the previous month.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Engagement (Last 12 Months)

Engagement (Last 12 Months)

Discover important trends in your LinkedIn page engagement over the past 12 months.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Followers by Company Size

Followers by Company Size

Segment your LinkedIn followers by company size over the past 12 months.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Followers by Function

Followers by Function

See what role and function your LinkedIn followers have. (Past 12 months)


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Followers by Industry

Followers by Industry

See what industries are dominant amongst your LinkedIn followers. (Past 12 months)


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Impressions


Track your LinkedIn page impressions for last month and understand how it compares to the previous month.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Impressions (Last 12 Months)

Impressions (Last 12 Months)

Reveal how your LinkedIn impressions trend over time.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Likes


Showcase the number of likes your LinkedIn page got at the end of last month and understand how it compares to the previous month.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Engagement

LinkedIn Engagement

From comments to shares, Engagement measures how people react to your updates. See your LinkedIn page engagement for last month and see how it compares to the previous month.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Followers

LinkedIn Followers

See how many LinkedIn followers you had last month and compare it to the previous month.


Klip Template | LinkedIn Key Metrics

LinkedIn Key Metrics

Use this sophisticated Klip to compare your key LinkedIn metrics last month to the previous month, and display the trends over time.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - New Followers

New Followers

See how many new followers your LinkedIn page gained at the end of last month and understand how it compares to the previous month.


Klip Template | LinkedIn - Shares


Determine your success in creating viral updates. See how many shares your page had at the end of last month and compare it to the previous month.
