First Visit Metric

Understand how people are finding your website and how engaged they are on their first visit.

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Digital Marketing KPI Example - First Visit Metric

First Visit Definition

The First Visit Metric tracks how people are finding your websites, such as through organic search or social media, and how engaged they are with your website. This metric bases engagement on one of two thresholds: Average Time on Site and Pages per Visit. Once a threshold has been defined (e.g., Average Time on Site greater than 10 seconds), new visitors are categorized as either engaged or not engaged.

This metric is important as it allows marketers to understand, at a glance, which traffic sources are driving high-quality traffic. Using the first visit metric, marketers can explain and dig deeper into sudden spikes in traffic. The total number of new visits represents the number of new people entering the funnel on a monthly visit.

Traffic Sources

For a digital marketer, it’s essential to understand which traffic channels or sources are driving visitors to a website. Web traffic sources is a core metric that reflects the success of each strategy in the digital marketer’s toolkit. This digital marketing metric uses the standard Google Analytics definition of traffic channel groupings. Consider tracking the Web Traffic Sources metric to better understand traffic trends.

Engaged vs Not Engaged

Engaged vs not engaged will be a unique threshold for each individual business. In this metric, the engagement threshold can be defined as Average Time on Site or Pages per Visit. Both measures provide a strong indication of the quality of a visit. Digital marketers may also want to track a metric like a goal completion rate.

How to Monitor First Visit Metric in Real-time

The first visit metric is a useful metric for any marketing team to track. The key to this metric is to use it in conjunction with other metrics like the brand awareness metric and returning visit metric.

Learn more about how to track your First Visit Metric on a Digital Marketing Dashboard.

First Visit Metric: Top Resources

How to Build the Right Traffic Metrics Dashboard for 2016 - Whiteboard Friday, Rand Fishkin

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