Number of Patients in ER Metric
Provides key data about patients in the ER such as room number, urgency of their case, current wait time, and if they've been attended to by a nurse.
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The Number of Patients in the ER metric provides key data about patients in the ER, such as their room number, the urgency of their case, current wait time, and if they've been attended to by nurses. For an in-depth view of your current performance, these metrics, including information on all your patients, should be shared with all of your ER staff. This KPI is closely related to the Current ER Occupancy KPI.
Monitoring Healthcare KPIs on a Dashboard
Once you have established benchmarks and targets for Number of Patients in ER, you’ll want to establish processes for monitoring this and other healthcare KPIs. Dashboards can be critical in this regard. Read more
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